Tensile fabric car parking structures are innovative, cost-effective solutions for parking facilities. A tensile car parking structure is a construction of elements carrying only tension and no compression or bending. The term tensile should not be confused with tensegrity, which is a structural form with both tension and compression elements. Tensile structures are the most common type of thin-shell structures.A tensile membrane car parking structure is a lightweight, flexible, and long-lasting car parking structure made of a membrane supported by steel cables. These structures are strong and can be bent into any shape. They are often used for car parking, but can also be used for other purposes like covering sports facilities, arenas, and industrial structures
Tensile fabric car parking structures offer a unique combination of functionality, sustainability, and aesthetics, making them an attractive option for various parking applications.
Tensile Fabric Car Parking shades and tensile parking structure manufacturers in Delhi NCR contact number +91 9538875101
With a wealth of Design, Manufacturing and Installation knowledge and experience, we offer a fast and efficient turnaround of both large and product based Tensile membrane structures for all types of environment be it exterior, interior or exhibition purposes.
In the present environment, Tensile Fabric structures are recommended as they are aesthetically proven using the fifth building construction material which has the ability to take any desired shape with high level of reflectivity of heat. We are the most trusted suppliers of Tensile fabric roofing shades in India